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MI x HSU ESG Award 2024
灼見名家 X恒生大學ESG2024



Special features of the award

Award categories include performance-based, disclosure-based, ESG leadership, ESG communication and pillar specific*

Listed and non-listed categories

Web-based application with extensive guidelines to promote transparency

Receive a complimentary ESG Intelligence report**

A complementary 1-year corporate membership for an ESG Elite Club

Mar 11 (Mon)
ESG Award timeline.png
Launch of the MI x HSU ESG Award 2024/ Open for application
Apr 16 (Tue)
Information Seminar 1 (by Zoom)
Deadline for application
May 20 (Mon)
July 29 (Mon)
Award ceremony

*Italic font indicates newly added categories

** For selective award categories only

Promotional Videos

English version
Award Eligibility
Chinese version
Organizers &
Supporting organizations

Why this ESG Award deserves your attention?

Anchor 1
Sample of ESG Intelligence Report

Master Insight (MI) and the Research Centre for ESG (CESG) at HSUHK are proud to announce the launch of the third ESG Award. While upholding the tradition of adopting a rigorous evaluation process in the past two years, we continue to seek improvement to recognize awardees in a fair manner. This year, we take a courageous step in recognizing excellent ESG achievements in the areas of leadership and communication. In addition, we made a significant enhancement in the application process by providing extensive guidelines using an online platform. Our goal is simple: to recognize awardees in a scientific manner through a friendlier application process.

The organizers recognize that there are many ESG and sustainability awards in Hong Kong these days. A listed firm or a private company/organization can easily receive some ESG award with minimum efforts. However, we believe that reputable organizations with serious ESG commitment deserve recognition which can only be granted after going through a rigorous and scientific evaluation. We aim to position our ESG awards as one of the highest recognitions in Hong Kong. In order to achieve this aspiration, we spend a significant amount of effort in designing the award evaluation framework with the following special features:

Award categories include performance-based, disclosure-based, ESG leadership, ESG communication and pillar specific*

Listed and non-listed categories

Web-based application with extensive guidelines to promote transparency

Receive a complimentary ESG Intelligence report** (Click here to see sample)

A complementary one-year corporate membership for an ESG Elite Club

*Italic font indicates newly added categories

** For selective award categories only

灼見名家(Master Insight) 和香港恒生大學ESG研究中心 (CESG) 很榮幸地宣布第三屆ESG獎正式啟動。 我們在秉承過去兩年採用嚴格評審程序的傳統的同時繼續尋求改進,以公平的方式表彰獲獎者。 今年,我們邁出了勇敢的一步,表彰在領導卓越表現和傳訊方面取得傑出ESG成就的企業。 此外,我們也大大改善了申請流程,利用網上平台提供了廣泛的指導。 我們希望可通過更簡易的申請程序,以公平、科學、認受性高的方式嘉許更多有志ESG的公司和機構參與。


現時香港ESG 和可持續發展獎項名目眾多,一家上市公司或私人公司/機構只需付出少許努力,便可輕易獲得某些 ESG 獎項。 但灼見名家傳媒與香港恒生大學ESG研究中心均認為,ESG獎項的頒發應經過嚴格和科學的評估後嘉獎予對ESG作出認真承諾、聲譽卓著的公司或機構。 主辦機構的目標是將我們的 ESG 獎項定位為香港認可程度最高的獎項之一。 為達成這個目標,我們精心設計獎項的評審架構包含以下特色:




     獲贈送一份為公司而設的ESG智能分析報告 **(按查看樣本)



** 只適用於特定獎​項類別

Our ESG Framework
Sample of ESG Intelligence Report
ESG Intelligence Report Sample - ABC-1.png
ESG Intelligence Report Sample - ABC-2.png

About our ESG Elite Club


ESG achievement takes a substantial effort and long-term commitment with adequate resources. Peer support and networking with the like-minded play an important role in the ESG journey for corporations. The purpose of the ESG Elite Club is to provide a platform for organizations which received our ESG awards to help each other in achieving ESG excellence continuously.

We plan to form the ESG Elite Club by inviting awardees from 2022 to 2024. Master Insight and the Research Centre of ESG at HSUHK will serve as secretariat office to handle the administration and operation of the Club. We plan to nominate qualified representatives of the awardees to serve as honorary officers (e.g., President, Vice President, etc.) to lead the direction of the Club. The secretariat will initiate events and programs related to ESG enhancement so that Club members can benefit from the ongoing knowledge transfer activities and networking opportunities.


主辦機構將邀請在2022至24年的得獎者加入ESG業界精英會。灼見名家及香港恒生大學的ESG研究中心會以秘書處的角色負責本會的行政和運作。我們計劃提名符合資格的獲獎者代表擔任名譽職位(如會長、副會長等),以引領本會的發展。 秘書處將發起與加強ESG相關的活動和計劃,使本會成員能夠從持續的知識轉移活動和交流機會中受益。

About our ESG Elite Club

Award category
(Award quota is shown below)

Award Category
Award category.png

Award eligibility & quota

Award Eligibility
Award eligibility.png

For listed firms:

  • Large cap: >HKD 50 Billion; Mid cap: HKD 10-50 Billion; Small cap: <HKD 10 Billion. As of end of 2023.

  • The iScore Qualified List and Media Coverage Qualified List are available on page Guidelines.

For non-listed firms:

  • Nomination by Master Insight is required to apply for pillar-specific award. Please contact sales team at Master Insight (Tel: 2818 3638).

  • Non-listed firm criteria for entrance: a) Revenue: HKD1 billion     b) Headquartered in Hong Kong

  • Only Silver awards will be granted in B1&B2, i.e. E/Green pillar & Social engagement pillar

Award Quota
Award Quota (No fill).png

*The quota numbers indicate maximum. The Judging panel may give fewer awards than maximum numbers based on performance of applicants.

For listed firms:

  • Large cap: >HKD 50 Billion; Mid cap: HKD 10-50 Billion; Small cap: <HKD 10 Billion. As of end of 2023.

  • The iScore Qualified List and Media Coverage Qualified List are available on page Guidelines.

For non-listed firms:

  • Nomination by Master Insight is required to apply for pillar-specific award. Please contact sales team at Master Insight (Tel: 2818 3638).

  • Non-listed firm criteria for entrance: a) Revenue: HKD1 billion     b) Headquartered in Hong Kong

  • Only Silver awards will be granted in B1&B2, i.e. E/Green pillar & Social engagement pillar

Judging panel

Judging panel

  • Prof. Louis CHENG, Dr S H Ho Professor of Banking and Finance, Director of Research Centre for ESG, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
Members (in alphabetical order)
  • Prof. Albert IP, Senior Advisor to President & Chairman, HKUST Foundation
  • Prof. Darwin CHOI, Associate Professor of Department of Finance, Associate Director of the Centre for Business Sustainability, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Dr. Eva CHAN, Chairman, Hong Kong Investor Relations Association
  • Dr. Jacky TANG, Managing Director, An International Asset Management Company and Adjunct Professor, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
  • Dr. Patrick POON, SBS, Board Chairman, Master Insight
  • Mr. Scott LEE, Senior Director, CFA Institute
  • Prof. Yangyang CHEN, Head of Department of Accountancy, City University of Hong Kong
Technical Advisor
  • Mr. Hauman YEUNG, Director of Corporate Advisory, Ascent Partners


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Supporting organizations

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