MI x HSU ESG Award 2024
灼見名家 X恒生大學ESG大獎2024

Application Deadline
May 20, 2024 (Monday)
Application Procedures
Complete the General Application Form (For listed firm, please click here; for non-listed firm, please click here).
The ESG Award Secretariat will send an email with the link to the Excellent Global payment gateway to the contact person proposed in the General Application Form within two working days. A non-refundable deposit of HKD 1,000 for each entry (screen capture of payment acknowledgement or deposit slip required as proof) is required to proceed with the full application through our online system. The deposit payment will be applied to the total application fee after your application is complete.
After the deposit payment is confirmed, the secretariat will send an email to the contact person proposed in the General Application Form with the link and assigned security code to fill the online application form for each specific award category.
Fill the form using the assigned security code and all required information with supporting documents when appropriate.
After the form is completed, each entry must be accompanied by an application fee. The entry will not be formally evaluated without a proof of total payment receipt. Payment methods: a) Cheque deposit payable to: 灼見名家傳媒有限公司 or Master Insight Media Limited; b) FPS transfer to FPS ID: 166176610 or c) Bank transfer to account HSBC: 023-209240-838. Please email the proof of payment (copy of bank-in slip/e-receipt/etc.) to Master Insight (contact@master-insight.com) for record, otherwise the entry will not be formally evaluated.
For the details of the application fee for each award category and entry, please contact the Master Insight sales team (Tel: 2818 3638).
*If the applicants want to revise the form, please resubmit a new form. A maximum of three submissions (i.e. two additional re-submissions) per category is allowed.
**For listed firms:
Large cap: >HKD 50 Billion; Mid cap: HKD 10-50 Billion; Small cap: <HKD 10 Billion. As of end of 2023.
The iScore Qualified List and Media Coverage Qualified List are available on page Guidelines.
***For non-listed firms:
Nomination by Master Insight is required to apply for pillar-specific award. Please contact sales team at Master Insight (Tel: 2818 3638).
Non-listed firm criteria for entrance: a)Revenue: HKD1 billion b) Headquartered in Hong Kong
Only Silver awards will be granted in B1&B2, i.e. E/Green pillar & Social engagement pillar
Please click the award category to read the related detailed guidelines.
Overall Award – Cat. A Application
Pillar-specific Award – Cat. B Application
There are two levels of the pillar-specific awards - Gold and Silver. The organizer and the judging panel will determine whether Gold award (performance-based) or Silver award (project/approach-based) will be granted to the applicant based on evidence in demonstrating performance vs. efforts/approach (i.e. innovative).
iScore List
The iScore list can be sorted by each firm characteristic by desktop browser only.
Refresh the page to see the default order again.
Methodology behind the iScore
The Aggregate Confusion Hypothesis* by the MIT research team suggests that the rating divergence comes from 3 aspects: Scope, Rater, and Weighting differences. We argue that ESG analysts employed by different ESG data providers are subjected to regional and corporate culture influence in rating companies, leaving to the divergence.
For each stock, we compute a divergence factor based on performance based ESG scores of each firm from various providers of different regions to capture the divergence effect. With a proprietary Peer-Based ESG (PBESG) analysis framework, we compute the iScore for each firm by scaling the ESG rating by the divergence factor generated.
*Berg, F., Kölbel, J.F., Rigobon, R., 2022. Aggregate Confusion: The Divergence of ESG Ratings. Review of Finance 26, 1315–1344. https://doi.org/10.1093/rof/rfac033
Media Coverage List
The Media Coverage list can be sorted by each firm characteristic by desktop browser only.
Refresh the page to see the default order again.
Capturing the Media Coverage Sentiment
Based on media coverage of ESG/sustainability topics, the commercial data providers employ Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to capture the positive and negative sentiment of the articles based on a prescribed list of ESG key words. We then construct a net score which reflects how professionals perceive the ESG information from the media coverage in a given time period.